《Are You Sure?!》将带领观众跟随智旻和柾国一同展开充满乐趣的旅程,他们会一起吃饭、购物、烹饪、露营、划独木舟、游泳和公路旅行,并且会更深入地展现智旻和柾国之间不可否认的化学反应和令人喜爱的友谊,他们在旅程中通过各种难忘的时刻建立联系,沉浸于不同的文化,探索各种充满行动的活动,并品尝当地美食。
据悉tvN综艺节目《You Quiz On The Block》即将携第二季回归,据tvN方面透露,该节目将依然保留刘在锡、曹世镐的固定班底,预计将在4月进行第二季的首次录制,具体的播出档期等细节还在协商中。该节目以刘在锡和曹世镐为主持人,亲自走入路人们的日常,和大家对话,并给出问题,是一档兼具脱口秀和答题秀形式的综艺节目,去年8月播出第一季,并于11月收官,也因刘在锡首度加盟tvN节目而引发话题。
这部八集系列节目拍摄于2023年,在朴智旻和田柾国入伍韩国军队之前,它记录了两人前往三个标志性全球目的地的旅行:美国纽约州、韩国济州岛和日本札幌。 《Are You Sure?!》将带领观众跟随智旻和柾国一同展开充满乐趣的旅程,他们会一起吃饭、购物、烹饪、露营、划独木舟、游泳和公路旅行,并且会更深入地展现智旻和柾国之间不可否认的化学反应和令人喜爱的友谊,他们在旅程中通过各种难忘的时刻建立联系,沉浸于不同的文化,探索各种充满行动的活动,并品尝当地美食。
The HISTORY Channel’s hit survival series “Alone” is back like never before and taking place in the most dangerous location yet. In Season 8, 10 contestants fight to survive in the Canadian wilderness on the shores of Chilko Lake, British Columbia. Equipped with just 10 items and a camera kit, each participant must survive in total isolation, with the hopes of lasting the longest and winning the $500,000 prize. Not only must they endure hunger, loneliness and the elements, but this season, they also face the deadliest predator in North America: the grizzly bear. No camera crews. No gimmicks. It is the ultimate test of human will.
HISTORY频道的热门生存系列 "Alone "以前所未有的方式回归,并在最危险的地方进行。在第八季中,10名参赛者将在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省奇尔科湖畔的荒野上为生存而战。每位参赛者只配备了10件物品和一个摄影包,他们必须在完全与世隔绝的情况下生存,希望能坚持最久,赢得50万美元的奖金。他们不仅必须忍受饥饿、孤独和各种因素,而且在这一季,他们还要面对北美最致命的掠食者:灰熊。没有摄制组。没有噱头。这是对人类意志的终极考验。
ALONE is the most intense survival series on television. This season’s participants will face the biggest twist in series history—a 100-day challenge for 1 million dollars.
7组竞争者共14人分别空降到温哥华岛的北部,每组的两个队员一共可以选择10个生存装备,并平分装备。每组中需要选择一人降落在营地,另一人则降落在距离营地16km(1 mi)的地方并需要靠指南针徒步到营地。每个人都可以在任何时间退出游戏,同时另一名组员也会自动被退出游戏。如果有组员因为受伤而退出,那么与主动退出游戏一样。坚持到最后一组的两名成员获得50万美金。
1 pair high leg Hunting boots
1 Pair water shoes (crocs/sandals/keens)
1 T-shirt
2 fleece or wool shirts (hooded or unhooded)
1 wool sweater
3 pairs wool socks
2 hats (brimmed, wool or baseball)
1 bandana or shemagh or buff/face mask
2 Pairs of Gloves (one insulated and one leather work style glove)
2 pairs underwear
1 warm outdoor jacket
1 rain jacket
1 rain pant
1 pair thermal underwear (long top and bottom)
1 pair of gaiters
1 leather belt (or synthetic equivalent)
1 toothbrush
1 pair of eye glasses (with proof of prescription)
1 personal photograph
1 Multi-seasonal Sleeping Bag (should be a minimum of a -10 degrees Celsius rating and synthetic)
1 Fixed Blade Knife
1 Ferro Rod (must not be longer than 6in, and must have plastic handle)
*Each Team may select 10 items from the following list (5 items per person).
*Participants may only choose up to 2 Food items each.
*Non-Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Teammate.
*The Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Team.
12x12 ground cloth/tarp (grommets approved)
8 mm climbing rope - 10M
550 parachord - 20m
1 hatchet
1 saw
1 ax
1 bivi bag (Gore-Tex sleeping bag cover)
1 sleeping pad
1 hammock
1 large pot (no more than 2 quarts; includes lid)
1 steel frying pan
1 enamel bowl for eating
1 spoon
1 canteen or water bottle
1 bar soap
1 8 oz tube of toothpaste
1 face flannel
1 40 m roll dental floss
1 small bottle bio shower soap
1 shaving razor (and 1 blade)
1 towel (30” x 60”)
1 comb
Hunting (Note: only 1 item can be chosen between each pair of participants)
1 300-yard roll of a single filament fishing line / 25 assorted Hooks (no lures)
1 primitive bow + 6x arrows (must be predominately made of wood)
1 small gauge gill net (12' x 4' with 1.5" mesh)
1 slingshot/catapult + 30 steel ball bearings + 1 replacement band
1 net foraging bag
1 3.5 lb roll of trapping wire
3 lbs of one solid block of salt
2 lbs of beef jerky (protein)
2 lbs of dried pulses/legumes/lentils mix (starch and carbs)
2 lbs of biltong (protein)
2 lbs of hard tack military biscuits (carbs/sugars)
2 lbs of chocolate (Simple/complex sugars)
2 lbs of pemmican (traditional trail food made from fat and proteins)
2 lbs of gorp (raisins, m&m's and peanuts)
2 lbs of flour (starch/carbs)
1/3 lbs rice/ 1/3 lb sugar / 1/3 lb of salt
1 pocket knife
1 Leatherman multi-tool or similar
1 sharpening stone
1 roll of duct tape or 1 roll of electrical tape
1 small shovel
1 small sewing kit
1 carabineer
1 LED flashlight
1 pair of ice spike
U.S. version of the British show 'Love Island' where a group of singles come to stay in a villa for a few weeks and have to couple up with one another.